Healthcare Systems & Policy

“Today, I’m not here as Paris Hilton,” the 39-year-old celebrity told the crowd. “I’m here as just another survivor who was abused, who has lived with that since the day I left. And I am dedicated to shutting down Provo Canyon School, which will cause a chain reaction among this entire industry.”

Mental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics

The Record Searchlight reviewed 53 of California’s 58 counties with available data. The review showed some jails have death rates double or triple that of their neighbors or other jail systems of similar size.

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Poverty and Class, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics

Interviews with law enforcement officials, attorneys and outside experts indicate that changes in policing, initiative in leadership and a prioritization of health can save lives.

Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics

This documentary-style podcast give listeners a close-up view of unsheltered homelessness. Episode 9 takes some of the questions posed by listeners throughout the series, and gives people who are homeless a chance to weigh in.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Health Insurance and Costs, Housing and Homeslessness, Food and Nutrition, Community Safety

Even as COVID-19 sweeps through the White House and waylays members of the Republican Judiciary Committee, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hasn’t paused his headlong rush to confirm Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett before Nov. 3. U.S. health policy hangs in the balance. The court is sl

Long-term exposure to both contaminants has been linked to numerous types of cancer by the state of California and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Water Agencies And Advoca

Environmental Health, Poverty and Class, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Food and Nutrition