Mental Health & Trauma

Standing in the Fountaingrove neighborhood, you can see the scar of the Tubbs fire stretch across the hillside. Two years later, the trees are still charred and the sounds of reconstruction are constant.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Mental Health, Housing and Homeslessness

This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Nuala Sawyer, a participant in the 2019 California Fellowship.
Other stories in this series include:
Lost, Stolen, Sold: S.F. Violates Homeless Property Policy
S.F. Sees New Success in Treating Homeless People with Hep C
Keeping the Homeless

Environmental Health, Poverty and Class, Mental Health, Housing and Homeslessness

Even when the facts are presented and real people share their stories, some readers don’t believe it.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Immigrant and Migrant Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Health Insurance and Costs, Mental Health, Patient Safety and Ethics, Aging

A Cotati woman describes a fragmented system of mental health care that at times treated her with dignity while at others like a criminal or animal. A Santa Rosa mother decries a system of services that abandons all but the wealthy and very poor.

Environmental Health, Mental Health, Patient Safety and Ethics

Kemberly Mahiri shows me one of the hundreds of thank you cards she and other counselors for Sonoma County's Teen Parent Program have received. “It just chokes me up every single time,” Mahiri tells me.

Environmental Health, Mental Health, Community Safety