Anna Almendrala
Healthy Living Editor
Healthy Living Editor
Dr. ChrisAnna Mink shares her growing awareness the trauma than can occur when officials remove children from their “safe parent" — victims of domestic violence who had difficulties leaving abusive romantic partners.
As a health care journalist, I knew exactly what I needed to do once I landed in the hospital with covid pneumonia: write my goodbye emails.
A year after Thomas Eric Duncan died from Ebola after seeking care at a Texas hospital, what’s different about health preparedness in the U.S.? Reporter Anna Almendrala set out to answer that question, and found a series of heartbreaking stories of loss along the way.
A Cultural Services Unit established by Minnesota's public health authorities to work with minority communities became a boon to West Africans living in the state during the Ebola crisis. Together they fought stigma and helped loved ones living in the hot zone of the outbreak.
The Ebola outbreak of 2014 has dramatically changed hospitals and clinics across the U.S. Experts across the country say that protocols have changed for the better. But will it be enough when the next pandemic hits?
Today, Sept. 25, marks the one-year anniversary of Thomas Eric Duncan walking into a Dallas emergency room, where two of his nurses contracted the disease before Duncan died. Many nurses still feel unprepared and are seeking stronger safety protections.
It’s been almost five months since the Ebola virus was first diagnosed in the U.S. What have we learned from it?