Silvia, alone and confused, buried her baby's remains in a flower pot after suffering a miscarriage, facing the lack of support from the health system in Northern California. A research project in conjunction with the USC Ethnic Media Collaborative.
Silvia, alone and confused, buried her baby's remains in a flower pot after suffering a miscarriage, facing the lack of support from the health system in Northern California. A research project in conjunction with the USC Ethnic Media Collaborative.
Richard Jerimiah Giles III and Bennie Burrell navigate the complexities of re-entry after more than two decades in prison.
The aftereffects of witnessing traumatic events can linger on for decades. The Black community is seeking interventions and resources to help young Black boys heal from violence and trauma and process stress, anxiety, racism, and other weights they carry on their shoulders.
Mental health is a growing concern among farmworkers in California. Following the tragic loss of her husband, a farmworker in the Coachella Valley, Dionisia has been struggling to keep her family together and find mental health support.
The article highlights the prevalence of depression in the Korean community and emphasizes the importance of professional treatment and mental health awareness.
Challenges like immigration status, social isolation and cultural taboos on seeking support can deter Chinese immigrants from seeking help during marital conflicts, leaving many to endure their mental health struggles in silence.
Silvia, sola y confundida, enterró los restos de su bebe en una maceta tras sufrir un aborto espontáneo, enfrentándose a la falta de apoyo del sistema de salud al norte de California. Un proyecto de investigación en conjunto con USC Ethnic Media Collaborative.