I report on aspects for health from Sub Saharan Africa. I am based in Uganda. I have been reporting for www.keycorrespondents.org. My interest are child health, Reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, health and human Rights and Cancer. I also implement community health projects in Africa, alongside my health consulting jobs.See; www.shades4health.org. I work, and report my experiences. I would love to partner with senior reporters in America and Canada to report social justice health stories.


The Networks Model has its groundings in the Greater Involvement of People Living with AIDS (GIPA) formalised at the 1994 Paris AIDS summit. One of the key considerations of GIPA is the realisation of the rights and responsibilities of people living with HIV in the choice of treatment, decision maki

It comes as no surprise that health facilities in Uganda are in a sorry state, medicines are not in hospitals, doctors are complaining and need a bare minimum of salary to sustain their livelihoods and some districts like Kalangala do not have fulltime doctors. And all this while, the technocrats at the Ministry of Health, steal a little.

Among the Bamasaba (also known as the Gishu) of Mbale and Mount Elgon region in Eastern Uganda, every leap year is a traditional circumcision year. To them, male circumcision is a cultural rite for initiation into manhood.

As the world was engrossed in watching the Kony 2012 viral video, released by the invisible children depicting the atrocities of Joseph Kony in Northern Uganda, An Invisible disease called the Nodding disease was taking its toll on the people of Northern Uganda. Not many in the international media mentioned the nodding disease, even when it dep...