Ageless Fitness

Care giving RNs the last to get care.

My last Ageless Fitness column focused on physicians -- specifically, chubby M.D.s and how carrying around extra pounds may impact their ability to help patients also battling with 'chubby'.

Several readers commented that many R.N.s also seem to battle the bulge. I no longer practice but 'once a nurse always…', and this nurse is delighted to report that one group of R.N.s are 'walking the walk' toward better health at Cooper University Hospital.

Nurses are caregivers, which often means 'the last to get cared for.' Who has time? These R.N.s found and made time when ABC's new daytime show, Revolution, challenged the nursing staff to lose a collective 3,000 pounds. Guess what? They lost that and then some!

Wondering what made the difference? You guessed right if you guessed "EXERCISE!"

One of the RN's said it best: "I now exercise when I want to eat and I do it consistently." Another R.N. said this, (which I hope we all remember), "If you want to say 'thank you,' please bring healthy snacks to the floor. We eat what you bring so please, make it healthy!"

Ever heard of "Nurses in Shape?" They're on Facebook!