
Our fellows and grantees produce ambitious, deeply reported stories in partnership with the Center for Health Journalism on a host of timely health, social welfare and equity topics. In addition, the center publishes original reporting and commentary from a host of notable contributors, focused on the intersection of health and journalism. Browse our story archive, or go deeper on a given topic or keyword by using the menus below.

Homelessness is a health crisis, and the clock is ticking. With homeless life expectancy between 42 and 52, and half of the nation's homeless at least 50, it's not surprising that Orange and several other California counties have seen a dramatic rise in homeless deaths in recent years.

2017 California Fellow Liliana Sunn interviewed representatives of the California Immigrant Center, Covered California and Clinica Romero about health insurance options for immigrant on KPFK-FM on August 3.

2017 California Fellow Liliana Sunn interviewed representatives of the California Immigrant Center, CoveredCalifornia and Clinica Romero about health insurance options for immigrants on KPFK-FM.
Other stories in the series include:
Health insurance options for immigrants