Food and Nutrition

This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Rachel Dissell and Brie Zeltner, participants in the 2018 National Fellowship....

Race and Equity, Mental Health, Food and Nutrition

Highly rural, the communities outside of Crescent City in Northern California are food deserts. “I hear from staff all the time, these kids are hungry when they come to school,” one school administrator says.

Environmental Health, Women's and Maternal Health, Food and Nutrition

In the “Compassionate City,” governmental unity has helped to reduce child poverty rates.

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Poverty and Class, Health Insurance and Costs, Housing and Homeslessness, Food and Nutrition, Community Safety

Across the country, students from low-income households are enrolling in college at increasing rates — with 39 percent of undergraduates falling at or below 130 percent of the federal poverty line in 2016, according to data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study.

Environmental Health, Poverty and Class, Food and Nutrition