Reporting on California's Medicaid expansion to undocumented immigrants revealed systemic barriers and distrust, highlighting the need for inclusive reforms and ongoing community engagement.
Immigrant and Migrant Health
La pandemia agravó los obstáculos para acceder a la asistencia médica por coronavirus en Estados Unidos. Ante el rechazo, la discriminación o los altos costos, los inmigrantes retrasan o renuncian a los tratamientos.
El limitado apoyo de interpretación en los hospitales de Estados Unidos a las lenguas nativas de América Latina y el Caribe reaviva una problemática ya conocida: la exclusión de las comunidades originarias.
San Francisco grapples with a surge in migrant families falling into homelessness amid inadequate shelter and support systems.
Fancy countertops in kitchens and restrooms are causing Latino immigrant workers in California to develop silicosis, an incurable lung disease that can be fatal.
What happens when refugees resettle to a small, rural town to work at a chicken processing plant? A new reporting project will taken a deeper look.
Undocumented Indian migrant farmworkers are at risk for diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems, but lack access to health care.
On International Women’s Day, here is the story of a woman searching for a safe space to live her life.
News organizations from around the country joined together to bring to light the interplay between immigration status and health. Many immigrants feel isolated and alone in America.
When Mukankindi arrived in Pittsburgh, enduring countless acts of violence and the loss of family, she fled to the Congo and then to Kenya, then Cameroon before resettling in Pittsburgh by Charities.