Mental Health

This two-part series examines this issues on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation:
Part 1: A Community's Struggle with Addiction
Part 2: Services Offered to Recovering Drug Users 

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Mental Health

<p>Do you want to better report on drug addiction and treatment? Avoid having Slate’s Jack Shafer feature your work in his Stupid Drug Story of the Week feature? Then follow these 15 tips from veteran journalist Maia Szalavitz.</p>

Mental Health

<p>West Virginia's Catholic bishop is calling on the state of West Virginia to devote more attention and money to help people struggling with addiction and mental illness.</p>

Mental Health, Environmental Health

This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Suzanne Bohan and Sandy Kleffman, participants in the 
Other stories in this series include:

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Health Insurance and Costs, Mental Health, Food and Nutrition

<p>Not many reporters want to write about homeless people – and not many editors want to read about them. The subject is considered too depressing, too intractable. But there are few crises that are more important to cover – right now.</p>

Mental Health, Housing and Homeslessness