Mental Health & Trauma

La tasa de suicidios entre los hombres latinos ha aumentado desde 2011, pasando de 5,7 por cada 100.000 personas a un alarmante 7,9 por cada 100.000 individuos en 2021. Las normas culturales impiden que los hombres latinos hablen abiertamente acerca de su salud mental. Los expertos la denominan una crisis silenciosa.

Mental Health

The suicide rate for Latino men has increased since 2011 climbing from 5.7 per 100,000 people to an alarming 7.9 per 100,000 in 2021. Cultural expectations prevent Latino men from talking openly about their mental health. Experts call it a silent crisis.

Cambodian and Khmer people remain largely excluded from studies, policy making processes, public messaging, and journalism because of the lack of disaggregated data highlighting their experiences. Erika Mey, born to parents who fled Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge genocide, is working to disaggregate data to understand the realities of Cambodian and Khmer people and to acknowledge their trauma.