Will James
Will James is a freelance journalist who formerly reported and produced podcasts and other special projects for KNKX, an NPR station based in Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. He created and hosted the podcast "Outsiders," chronicling homelessness for more than a year, which TIME named one of the best podcasts of 2020. He co-hosted and produced the "Transmission" podcast, telling stories about COVID-19 in the Pacific Northwest. Most recently, he served as senior producer on "The Walk Home," a podcast investigating a killing by police in Tacoma. He came to audio journalism after reporting for newspapers in his home state of New York. He was a Center for Health Journalism 2019 National Fellow and will serve as a 2024 California Health Equity Fellowship Senior Fellow.
This documentary-style podcast give listeners a close-up view of unsheltered homelessness. Episode 9 takes some of the questions posed by listeners throughout the series, and gives people who are homeless a chance to weigh in.
This series started with Jessica. We find out what happened to her.
Seven months later, Outsiders is back with a three-episode finale that seeks to answer some of the questions the podcast laid out in the beginning.
Olympia’s response to homelessness defied conventions. Did it work? A year later, we look at the city’s results and whether they point to a way forward.
"The experience of working with our subjects for more than a year changed my own ideas about homelessness and how to report on it."
This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Will James, a participant in the 2019 National Fellowship....
Does something about Olympia attract desperate people from all over? We examine the “magnet theory” of homelessness.
The Outsiders podcasting team holds a live event to explain how they made the series on homlessness and what they learned.
Homelessness divides Olympia and forces people to re-examine their politics. Emotions converge on an encampment under the Fourth Avenue Bridge.
Sam Miller can help us understand how addiction and homelessness intersect because he’s lived them both. Plus he can make us laugh. He points to one reason he was able to overcome homelessness while many others get trapped.