Ryan White
Content Editor
Content Editor
Ryan White is content editor of CenterforHealthJournalism.org, where he oversees daily content across a range of health topics. He also is the lead for the Center’s Health Matters webinar series. Ryan has nearly two decades of experience reporting, writing and editing for newspapers in California, national magazines and online outlets. After graduating from UC Berkeley in 2003, Ryan reported widely on the environment, local politics, urban planning, affordable housing and public health issues throughout the Bay Area and Los Angeles. In the past, he’s worked on KQED’s public television program “This Week in Northern California,” served as the editor of the Alameda Sun, worked as a reporter and editor for Marinscope Community Newspapers and freelanced for a long list of outlets. He was a 2012 California Fellow, reporting on the plight of the “anchor out” community in San Francisco Bay.
Coronavirus Files: Public health takes a beating at the ballot, a White House welcome mat for scientists, new COVID-19 fees surprise patients
This week: Rural counties bear the brunt of COVID-19 deaths, surges overwhelm contact tracers, expert panel on vaccines meet
This week: COVID-19 pandemic strains rural hospitals, scaling the third peak, and no mortality benefit from remdesivir.
The earliest years of life play a decisive role in a child's prospects for a healthy life, explains Harvard's Jack Shonkoff.
Journalist Linda Villarosa shares her process behind those stunning New York Times Magazine cover stories.
Announcing “Covering Coronavirus,” a special webinar series that will provide urgent tips, resources and insights for anyone tracking the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our long pre-history has primed our brains to think about the short term during acutely stressful scenarios, says UCSF's Alexandra Crosswell.
The Journal Sentinel's James Causey draws on his deep reporting journeys in his native 53206 ZIP to distill seven essential reporting tips.
Veteran journalist and a public records wizard Sarah Cohen offers essential advice for how to be more effective in your records requests.
Ellen Gabler offered a candid portrait of the many roadblocks she faced while reporting her big story on a troubled pediatric heart surgery program at UNC.