Ryan White
Content Editor
Content Editor
Ryan White is content editor of CenterforHealthJournalism.org, where he oversees daily content across a range of health topics. He also is the lead for the Center’s Health Matters webinar series. Ryan has nearly two decades of experience reporting, writing and editing for newspapers in California, national magazines and online outlets. After graduating from UC Berkeley in 2003, Ryan reported widely on the environment, local politics, urban planning, affordable housing and public health issues throughout the Bay Area and Los Angeles. In the past, he’s worked on KQED’s public television program “This Week in Northern California,” served as the editor of the Alameda Sun, worked as a reporter and editor for Marinscope Community Newspapers and freelanced for a long list of outlets. He was a 2012 California Fellow, reporting on the plight of the “anchor out” community in San Francisco Bay.
The Harvard researcher who led a famous study of Romanian orphans tells reporters there are lots of science-based reasons to worry about separating migrant children from their families at the border.
“I think the common thread connecting these various actions that are happening largely out of the public eye is limiting supports for certain people — and for immigrants and families of color in particular.”
“I think the real power in narrative is finding really small stories, which in some ways may seem counterintuitive," acclaimed narrative journalist Alex Kotlowitz told reporters this week.
How do you make critically important — but potentially boring — stories resonate with your audience? KPCC's content chief Kristen Muller shares her station's approach.
A special briefing for California reporters on the 2020 Census exposes the huge potential costs of an undercount — and the massive campaign underway to avert such an outcome.
“For supporters of the ACA, we dodged a bullet,” said UCLA's Gerald Kominski. “However, just because the Dems won the House does not mean the ACA is safe at all.”
Dr. Damon Francis doesn’t shy away from sparring with a room full of journalists when he thinks the media is getting the story wrong.
Earlier is always better when it comes to interventions to help kids, right? Not necessarily, according to two recent meta-analyses from UK researchers.
Veteran health care business reporter Chad Terhune of KHN shares essential tips for delving into the finances of health care companies.
Jim Neff of the Philadelphia Inquirer shares his views this week on what separates all-star investigative reporters from the rest of the pack.