The school district shares student data with the Sheriff’s Office, which uses it to identify potential future criminals.
Community Safety
It’s one thing to report about disparities in health outcomes. It’s another to hear DonnaMarie Woodson’s story.
Over the past five years, hundreds of California drinking water systems have suffered damage or destruction amid the state’s increasingly intense climate-driven wildfires.
How are school systems coping with large influxes of immigrant children? A reporter reflects on lessons learned.
In Santa Clara County, homeless deaths are skyrocketing while the homeless population has not substantially changed.
California will spend more than $8 million to find safer homes for children returning from troubled out-of-state residential programs, in response to a recent investigation into rampant reports of abuse at the facilities.
These groups, and others, will need to drop their opposition to vaccination for the shots to work statewide.
Thousands of U.S. Public Housing Residents Live in the Country’s Most Polluted Places
The colonias of south Texas have been devastated by the pandemic, a crisis made worse by poverty and limited access to health care.
A reporter reflects on lessons learned from an especially challenging story.