
Trudy Lieberman

Contributing Editor


Trudy Lieberman, a journalist for more than 45 years, is a past president of the Association of Health Care Journalists and an adjunct professor of public health at the CUNY School of Public Health. She is a long-time contributor to the Columbia Journalism review where she blogs for about media coverage of healthcare and retirement issues. She also blogs for Health News Review and writes a bi-monthly column, “Thinking About Health,” for the Rural Health News Service. She was a fellow at the Center for Advancing Health and regularly contributed to its Prepared Patient blog. She had a long career at Consumer Reports specializing in insurance, healthcare financing, and long-term care and began her career as a consumer writer for the Detroit Free Press. She has won 26 national and regional awards including two National Magazine Awards and has received five fellowships, including three Fulbright scholar and specialist awards. Ms. Lieberman is the author of five books including “Slanting the Story—the Forces That Shape the News,” and has served on the board of the Medicare Rights Center and the National Committee for Quality Assurance. She currently serves as a member of the National Advisory Committee for the California Health Benefits Review Program. 

