Denisse Salazar
Staff Writer
Staff Writer
A reporter discusses the difficult decisions that have to be made between telling deeply personal stories of violence and loss, and respecting families' wishes for privacy and safety.
The effort is bringing together civic leaders, police, educators, community groups and religious leaders. The goals are to curb gang-related crime, help children stay out of gangs, and deal with emotional aftermath of violence.
The headlines generated by Angel Secundino's killing faded quickly. But his death links four generations still struggling with the regrets, emotional wreckage and fear that come when loved ones become immersed in the gang lifestyle.
How is gang violence damaging children? To help answer that question, a reporter for the Orange County Register is following a family in Santa Ana, Calif. that has been touched by gang violence.
Those who work for Gang Victim Services are on call to detectives 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They often are the first to tell parents their son or daughter is dead.