A journalist struggled to find women willing to share their stories of reproductive coercion. Then a connection made through Facebook brought the reporting to life.
Women's and Maternal Health
Domestic violence is an overlooked driver of homelessness among women in California. A journalist recounts her experience interviewing survivors, who sought to share their stories in an effort to reclaim control and heal from trauma.
Florida’s infant mortality crisis | A South Florida Sun Sentinel special report
Babies born early, ill, or dead: Florida spends millions on prevention. Why isn’t it getting better?
Born to die: Florida’s infant mortality crisis | A South Florida Sun Sentinel special report
Florida doctors see a health crisis unfolding: Infant mortality rates in the state persist at levels higher than the national average, but equally as concerning is the rising number of premature births.
Babies are dying, mothers are suffering. Despite millions spent on the problem, little changes. Why?
Two reporters share insights and tips from their in-depth reporting on America’s maternity care crisis and the unequal harms suffered by pregnant women of color and their children.
Overactive bladder affects 33M Americans, leading to frequent urination and incontinence. Many suffer in silence due to embarrassment, but medical treatments can improve their quality of life.
Millions feel the fallout of the end of Roe.