Climate scientists expect more heat waves to hit the Central Coast in the coming years, which could put people’s health at risk. Medical experts say preparing for extreme heat can minimize visits to the ER.
Climate scientists expect more heat waves to hit the Central Coast in the coming years, which could put people’s health at risk. Medical experts say preparing for extreme heat can minimize visits to the ER.
As extreme heat becomes more frequent on the Central Coast, a local non-profit is working to make homes more weather resilient at no-cost for low-income residents.
A winding “blue greenway” is being designed to tame torrential rainfall, mitigate extreme heat and introduce green amenities to an underserved community.
The city has been lauded for its program prodding landlords to certify their units as lead-safe. Now, the city is trading carrots for sticks.
An investigation by the Public’s Radio found landlords rarely face consequences for failing to comply with state laws meant to protect children from exposure to lead paint.
Thousands of fishermen in the Los Angeles region consume what they catch to help feed themselves or their families. Many are unaware of the danger lurking at the ends of their lines.
Scores of California farmworkers are dying in the heat in regions with chronically bad air, even in a state with one of the toughest heat standards in the nation.
A hidden threat lies beneath California's dry cleaners: Toxic chemical plumes endanger communities and their water supply.
A forthcoming reporting project will explore how one Central California region is planning for the impact of rising temperatures on vulnerable populations.
Friends of the Urban Forest tries slowly to restore an urban canopy in a neighborhood with little greenery.